Monday, April 14, 2008

Need $$$ for Family Reunion

Hey family, Please forgive me for hitting on you so early but I had to put the entire amount $729 on my credit card. It is due on May 5th. If you can, could you send your payment as soon as you can? ($200)...or anything will help at this point to keep down the interest charges. Thanks for your understanding. MOM SWANER


ian said...

how are they due april 5th? its april 14th. did you mean may?

Ruth Swaner said...

Ian, Thank you. I made a mistake on the date. If it hadn't been for you I would'nt have seen that. By the way Ian Will you be able to join us for the Family reunion in June?

ian said...

your welcome grandma. i think i will be able to come. i really hope i will be able to.