Sunday, September 21, 2008

Suck It Up!!! Roger's Unique way of finding gems

Only Roger would do it different then anyone else. Most guys would pan for gems. But no, Roger brings his Industrial Vaccum Cleaner and sucks up the river beds of their stones...then he drains off the river water and at the bottom of the vaccum are the stones. WHAT A GUY!!!
This area was right outside Virigina City, Montana. We didn't have to pay anyone for our efforts. (more later about the ghost I saw in Virgina City)
Hey guys, I think you would have fun with this and then the girls could fix lunches and visit.
The kids could fall into the river etc. etc.

The Dig at the Blue Saphire Mine Co.

This dig is outside of Helena, Montana at the Blue Sahppire Mine Company. Nestled on a hillside next to a beautiful lake, Roger digs in the pit. We had to buy a big bag of rocks which also allowed us the priviledge of digging in their pit. There's a sucker born every day, right?
The truck was packed with a cooler, grub box, and great food, which I fixed while I watched Roger do all the work. I even baked his favorite cookies. We meet people from all over the world while at this pit, even a retired couple who live on an island outside the state of Washington. (sorry I have to do seperate entries for these photos but I don't know how to keep them in order)

The Journey, Process, & Discovery of Gem Hunting

We have lots of heavy buckets we have to go through. It's fun when you discover a Sapphire or garnet. When you visit, you can help us. Sorry, the photos don't really show how beautiful they are. When big ones are found they have to be sent to be heat treated, polished, and faceted into rings, necklaces, etc.

We found two sahppires which were 2.23 carrots and 1.88 carrots. It would cost $69.00 to have them faceted into jewelery.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sapphire and Garnet Hunting Trip