Monday, October 12, 2009

Jordon Gets the Priesthood

We had a wonderful Sunday with Jordon on his special Priesthood Day!
David just purchased a new black suit with vest and notice they both have on matching ties. What a duo!
Jordon showing off his new scriptures that we presented him. It also has an all leather bag to protect them along with marking pencils. Black with gold edge pages are so striking.
All the little cousins are lined up for ice cream cones. We had yummy soups and rolls after church.
Grandpa holding Alex's new baby who was also blessed today.
Oh David, how come you are so handsome. Of course all my sons are handsome. They get it from their mother.


Jodi said...

Look at that handsome grandson (I am guessing that he is a grandson.) Oh, you must be proud... except we are not supposed to be proud. You must be grateful! What a marvelous day you must have had!

Unknown said...

Yay! It was fun...and Dave is pretty handsome...and its... Jordan with an a...for next time.
See you Sat!!!!!