I love my Humming Birds..This is why....
There are those who ask, "Why do you live in that old house, in Smithfield, Cache Valley, Utah?" Well, for over 35 years we have a house full of memories, raising children, having fun, and growing in wisdom and strength, and insights. And, it was so nice for the children to drop by and visit grandpa and grandma Harris, just moments away. If my boys really searched their memory bank they will remember tons of activites at their home. Why do I live in my old house...mainly because I have seen it transform over the years into a quaint, unique, one-of-a-kind home. Roger
made this transformation happen. BUT, why I live where I live can better be said in photos...... Friends.....
This is why>>>This is why.......
Roger's fun shop with my FANTASTIC exersize room
I agree. I have tons of memories, and I've only been around for less than 14 years. Derrick remenisces with our boys all the time about the cool hiding places, the flood irrigation in the back yard making for great big puddles to play in, and apple wars. kelli
the last picture is one of the best I have ever seen of the front of the house. Its sad when winter comes and all the greenery dies for the summer.
Oh! and be sure to take a picture this fall of the fence when all the vines turn purplish!
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