My family may laugh at these photos, but these Daughter's of the Utah Pioneers are all wonderful ladies of the Smithfield Summit Camp. Today was a very important and tender moment. After numerous years of being the Captain of this group, we finally got our offical DUP marker. The current Captain and her crew pulled it off. (but I like to feel that my group planted the seeds)
The pioneer quilt waits for the unveiling. This dedication happens to be the weekend of the Sesquintennial Health Days in Smithfield.
Gary Flake, (yes, her name is Gary) the Committe chairperson gives the presentation. The mayor spoke. We sang three songs.........then the unveiling of the marker.
It really was a moving experience. We have waited for such a long time, accumulating the money, and going through the paperwork and now it is a done deal. The marker is next to the river and bridge leading to an original pioneer cabin at Forrester Acres west of Smithfield.
Robert Chambers, a previous mayor, gave the dedicationial prayer.
I know my family will laugh at our funny pioneer hats but this was such a long awaited choice experience. When I was captain, Christina Greene, my dear friend was vice-captain for those years.
We were so excited....a dream come true.
We love our pioneer ancestors SO much and we hope that our children, our daughters and daughter-in-laws (later on in their lives) will keep this tradition going by joining DUP and honoring and NEVER forgetting their pioneer ancestors.